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Whale Watching in South Africa

Whale Watching in South Africa with Kids

In South Africa, a wildlife adventure need not take place in the bush. With 3000 km or nearly 1900 miles of coast, South Africa is one of the best places to observe sea life, even from shore. South Africa's coastal waters are frequented by more than 2000 species of fish including the most impending, the Great White Shark. Turtles breed on the beach. Dolphin, seals and otters frolic on or near the shore. But for many, the main attraction is likely to be the largest of the marine mammals. Humpback, Bryde's and southern right whales as well as Orcas or killer whales, can all be spotted here. Whether you partake in shore or boat-based whale watching, a trip to the South African coast is unlikely to be forgotten soon.
Whale Watching

The Right Trip Shore-based whale watching allows both adults and children to take in the big picture and observe as one or more marine mammals puts on a show. Coastal cliffs and ridges along the Atlantic coast afford the best views of southern right whales. Boat-based whale watching trips will bring you within 50 feet, even closer if they turn the boat, of a whale. And for many this is likely to be the ultimate marine thrill. Look out for the whale's blow and you may be the first to spot one! Choosing the Right Trip
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
Plotting your Route The peak whale watching season along the South African coast is from July through October when the southern right whale, once considered the right whale to hunt, is resident along the Cape south coast and Humpback whales frequent the waters off the Elephant Coast in KawZulu Natal. Brydes whales can be seen off the South African coast year round, albeit further out. While whale watching is possible just about anywhere along the Cape coast from Lambert's Bay to Plettenberg Bay, Hermanus is the best place to spot southern right whales from shore. Boat-based whale watching tours also depart from Plettenberg Bay and the less commercial De Hoop Nature Reserve. Families intent on spending their holiday in Cape Town need not miss out on the fun. False Bay, on the city's southern edge, offers exceptional shore-based whale watching. While the Cape coast receives the most hype, the Elephant Coast boasts the highest number of sightings. Whale watching excursions depart the village of St. Lucia situated 80 km (50 miles) north of Richards Bay. Whale Watching Seasons
South African Tourism
Top Whale Watching Destinations
Plettenberg Bay
A Whale of a Time
Tourism KwaZulu-Natal

Packing Tips Equip each child with a camera and binoculars as well as a notebook to record all sea life sightings. Don't forget to pack a waterproof jacket and hat for each member of your crew and be sure the kids pack their patience. Rub sunscreen on exposed areas before you head out to sea.

What to Pack
Trave Health & Child Safety Don't underestimate the risk of seasickness on a boat-based whale watching tour; an ocean that appears calm from shore can actually be rough at sea. Potentially queasy kids should sit in the center of the boat, keep their eyes on the horizon and limit their snacks on board to dry crackers and carbonated drinks. Motion Sickness
Whaling resulted in decimation of a number of large whale populations, including both the local Humpback and Southern Right Whale. Between 1785 and 1805 some 12 000 Southern Right Whales were estimated to have been caught in southern African waters amounted to about 25 000 animals. Both species are now recovering in South African waters.


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